
A digital platform that helps in finding and connecting with insurance consulting firms globally.

Access multiple trusted consulting firms worldwide with just a single contract.

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Why insurance companies should choose NovoHeight ?

Access to experts from around the globe

Running an insurance company is a complex task which requires niche talent. NovoHeight provides experts from consulting companies around the globe

Hire from selected Consulting companies

Our sellers are trusted partners who are well established in their local market and looking to expand their consulting footprint in local and/or international market

Transparent pricing and quality guarantee

Fixed prices for consultants upfront. No hidden charges. 15 days money back guarantee.

A platform that matches you with global consulting firms

NovoHeight is excited to offer a service that lets you select a partner from a trusted global network of consulting firms. With this service, you can request proposals from consulting companies worldwide, shortlist and interview candidates, and finalise contracts with integrated timesheet tracking.

Key features of the NovoHeight platform:

  • Insurance Experts
  • Access Vetted Consulting Firms
  • Request Proposal Globally
  • Advanced Proposal Comparison Algorithm
  • Interactive Interview Process
  • Swift Onboarding
  • Timesheet Management
  • Personalised Dashboard

Ecosystem for a service marketplace

NovoHeight provides an ecosystem for both buyers and sellers to hire, signing a contract, setting up a masters service agreement, fulling cross border legal requirements, invoicing, setting ESCROW account and ongoing maintenance of relationships.

Join us to access a global pool of high-quality consulting firms and enhance your business performance and growth...!!

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